Make undeletable or unrenamable folder in window

Here ,today i share a
amazing tricks , how
make a folder which
can't delete or rename.
If you make this folder
nobody delete this
because this folder
can't delete in file
explorer (not delete
in window system )
but you delete that
type of folder in
window with the
help of command prompt.

Command prompt is one
of the amazing software
,which you can find easily
in every pc which have
window os.

How find and run command
prompt in your window os.
IF you know how open
it, open the command
prompt for making undelete
-able or unrenameable
folder in your pc .If you
don't know where command
prompt in your pc .....
hold the window key on
your keyword and then press
R. On your display  one
search bracket come , type
"cmd " in bracket without
semicoloum and then click
enter. Command prompt
is succesfully open in your
pc, it time make  a amazing
folder which never delete
in widow file explorer but
it can be deleted with the
help of command prompt.
I explained here both how
make and delete this
amazing folder.

How make the amazing
in window which never
delete in window file explorer
but delete with the help of
command prompt.......
Firstly open command prompt
, i explain in above how open,
open it and type command
md con\ 
this make a folder in your
pc which never delete.
Here you  create this amazing
folder in any of drive .

How delete this amazing
folder. Firstly open command
prompt and type command
rd con\

NOTE:You create this folder
in any of disk C,D,E and F.
IN command prompt that
time you open C drive is
automatically open this reason
your command make folder in
C drive ,if you want create
folder in another drive write
command  ( diskname:) .
eg:- if you want create folder
in E disk first write command
E: and then write folder make
or delete command.

READ:-How know ip adress of
any website with command prompt


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